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Tips Memilih Toko perlengkapan kantor dan alat alat sekolah denagn cek katalog produk harga 2023

Bina mandiri Stationery akan melayani kebutuhan ATK perlengkapan operasional kantor anda Mencari produk perlengkapan kantor memang begitu penting. Hal ini dikarenakan peralatan ini begitu dibutuhkan entah untuk pelajar sekolah atau pun untuk pekerja kantoran. Terpenuhinya produk ini juga harus di dukung dengan pemilihan produk yang benar-benar berkualitas dan awet sehingga bisa digunakan semaksimal mungkin, apalagi yang paling diutamakan dari alat tulis ialah fungsi yang dimilikinya baru yang lainnya. tidak sedikit dari harga peralatan kantor yang menghadirkan produk yang menarik serta berkualitas. Ada berbagai peralatan yang dibutuhkan oleh kantor entah secara individu atau pun secara keseluruhan. Komponen tersebut akan terpenuhi jika Anda mencarinya di toko yang menjual berbagai macam keperluan kantor yang benar-benar lengkap sehingga berbagai kebutuhan alat tulis akan terpenuhi banyak pihak. Bahkan, tidak sedikit perlengkapan yang berguna dengan baik. ada desain yang unik deng...

katalog Harga Stationery 2023 Serta Tips berlangganan Toko ATK murah & kooperatif

Terkadang sangat menjengkelkan saat Anda membuka web penjualan ATK, namun harga yang ada tak pernah di update, hal ini menyebabkan pembeli salah dalam memperkirakan biaya. Untuk itu jika memang Anda lebih senang melakukan pembelian ATK secara online alangkah baiknya memilih website yang benar-benar terpercaya, mereka yang selalu ada dan update harga stationery terbaru 2023.

Alat tulis kantor umumnya memang banyak dijual secara langsung, mengingat nilai produknya juga tak terlalu mahal. Namun beberapa toko sekarang ini juga tawarkan penjualan online dalam rangka memperluas pemasaran. Hanya saja bagi Anda yang lebih senang melakukan pembelian online agar tak mengalami kerugian belilah dalam jumlah banyak, hitung-hitung akan dijual lagi atau digunakan untuk kepentingan orang banyak seperti kerja kantor.

Bagi Anda yang senang membeli produk ATK online sebaiknya juga mengenal beberapa kriteria toko penjualan yang terpercaya dan tidak, berikut ini informasinya:

  • Harga tak terlalu di bawah pasaran, banyak toko yang berlomba-lomba tawarkan harga murah, namun juga harus diketahui bahwa ini bukan jaminan kualitas. Kamu justru patut curiga dengan toko yang memberikan harga di bawah pasaran umum, bisa jadi ini bentuk penipuan.
  • Tak mencantumkan nomor telepon customer service yang bisa dihubungi atau mencantumkan nomor yang selalu berubah-ubah, itu tandanya toko tersebut berusaha menghindar dari kesalahan yang sudah dilakukan dan tak mau ada yang menghubunginya.
  • Tak mencantumkan kebijakan privacy, hati-hati dengan website yang semacam ini karena data Anda bisa disalahgunakan oleh mereka.

Mencari toko online terpercaya hanya Bina Mandiri tempatnya, mereka selalu harga stationery terbaru 2023, produk lengkap dengan tawaran harga yang cukup bersaing di pasaran, pembelian bisa dilakukan secara grosir juga.

1 Snowman BG-12 Whiteboard Marker Red 7.500 / Pcs
2 Bantex 4207 Clipboard A5 18.000 / Pcs
3 Bantex 4011-12 Magazine File F4 10 cm Orange 37.000 / Pcs
4 Bantex 1265-10 Ring Binder A2 Potrait 2 x 4D - 35mm 175.600 / Pcs
5 Joyko Cash Box CB-36A 735.000 / Pcs
6 Benefit Pencil 2B P-6000 Neon 13.700 / Lusin
7 Kenko Cloth Tape Orange 24 mm/15 Y 8.500 / Roll
8 Kenko Cloth Tape Black 24 mm/12 Y 7.600 / Roll
9 Butterfly Penggaris HA-280 7.000 / Pcs
10 Bantex 8872-00 Index Tabs 25mm 5 Colour 31.800 / Pack
11 Kenko STP-18SM Stand Pen 5.400 / Pcs
12 Canon Kalkulator 8 Digit ( LS-63TG ) 69.000 / Pcs
13 3M Post-it 683-5CF Flag Assorted 48.900 / Pcs
14 JBI Spiral Kawat  No. 09 Pitch 3:1 (9/16") Folio 375.000 / Box
15 3M Post-it 670-5ANL Pagemarker Assrt 17.000 / Pad
16 Canon Kalkulator 12 Digit ( AS-120 ) 73.000 / Pcs
17 Pilot BL-G2-7 Gel Pen Red 19.800 / Pcs
18 Kenko Clipboard CLB-35PS 24.400 / Pcs
19 Canon GI-790 Magenta Tinta reffill botol 100.000 / Pcs
20 Pentel NR401 Permanent Marking Ink Red 9.300 / Pcs
21 V-TRO Pencil Case Kain Bantal 7.100 / Pcs
22 Bindex 717 Paper Ordner F4 75mm Blue 26.500 / Pcs
23 Joyko Correction Tape CT-542 (Batik) 7.700 / Pcs
24 Snowman BG-12 Whiteboard Marker Blue 7.500 / Pcs
25 Joyko Index & Memo IM-44 (Plastic,Panah) 4.900 / Set
26 Artline EPP-6 Poster Marker 27.100 / Pcs
27 Bantex Trendy 1448-10 LAF A5 7cm Black 25.500 / Pcs
28 Sinar Dunia GW K Kertas Kado 1.200 / Lembar
29 Joyko Color Pen CLP-57-12 17.000 / Set
30 Joyko Nail Clipper NCP-2707 18.000 / Pcs
31 GM 008 Gelpen IcyGel Black 27.600 / Lusin
32 Joyko Mechanical Pencil MP-09 (0.5) Click 3.300 / Pcs
33 Sakana Softboard Bludru Kaki 60 x 90 945.000 / Unit
34 Neuro Amplop Coklat Super Map 71.900 / Pack
35 Canon Kalkulator Scientific ( F-788 SG ) 145.500 / Pcs
36 Kenko DB-119F Document Bag 4.200 / Pcs
37 Namas Warna F4 70 gr 65.000 / Pack
38 Agenda (Diary) Mini Pocket Diary ( 156 ) 6.500 / Pcs
39 Faber-Castell Lead Superfine 0.5 HB ( 127525 ) 7.000 / Pcs
40 Bantex 4012-01 Magazine File A4 10 cm Blue 40.000 / Pcs
41 Joyko Pencil case PC-5004 (Dark Blue,Grey,Red) 57.500 / Pcs
42 Apli 01292  White Paper Labels - A4 105 x 70 mm 265.000 / Pack
43 Joyko Index & Memo IM-55 (Kertas) 14.000 / Set
44 Apli 00001  White Paper Labels - Continuous Form Labels 73.7 x 23.3 mm 695.000 / Box
45 Kenko Clipboard CLB-31DF 10.700 / Pcs
46 Daiichi DOF13CS Expanding File Giro 34.500 / Pcs
47 GM Label Acrylic Meja 30 x 36 "RESERVED/DIPESAN" 55.500 / Pcs
48 Joyko Oil Pastel OP-18S (PP. Case) 27.500 / Set
49 Joyko Stationery Tape STT-31 (12mm x 45M) 3.400 / Roll
50 Joyko Correction Tape CT-540 7.600 / Pcs
51 Joyko Pocket Ruler PRMT-300 24.500 / Pcs
52 Joyko Color Pencil CP-123M (12 Color) 15.500 / Set
53 SanDisk USB OTG Type C2 128 GB 398.000 / Pcs
54 Pagoda Kuas Lukis No. 05 isi 6 pcs 29.000 / Set
55 Joyko Document Bag DCB-38 A4 (Garis Metalik) 10.500 / Pcs
56 Joyko Paper Shredder SHD-04 1.754.500 / Pcs
57 Kenko Sharpener A-5B 60.100 / Pcs
58 Megatop Mika F4 MK-20 136.000 / Pack
59 SDI 0103 Pencil Knife (0.4 mm X 10 mm X 57 mm) 135.500 / Gross
60 Joyko Math Set MS-402 15.900 / Set
61 Joyko Math Set MS-404 44.200 / Set
62 Serutan Pensil PS-004 Gajah 365 @48 74.400 / Boxes
63 Joyko Binder Clip 105 CD 15.000 / Drum
64 Kenko HL-100 Highlighter Blue 3.700 / Pcs
65 Joyko Pencil P-107 (2B) Metallic 12.200 / Lusin
66 Locomotif Single Spiral B5 Garis @50 Lbr 17.000 / Pcs
67 Guppy / SKL Paper Color 40cm x 60cm Fluorescent 2.500 / Pcs
68 Grade One Kertas Struk HVS 68 x 65, 1 Ply 4.100 / Roll
69 Daiichi DPR06FC Clear Holder 100 FC 157.500 / Pcs
70 Joyko Sharpener A-156 20.500 / Pcs
71 Kenko SG-20 Super Glue 20gr 9.300 / Pcs
72 Kiky Buku Expedisi  200 34.500 / Pcs
73 Pilot LH-20C4 Hi-Tec-C 0.4 28.800 / Pcs
74 JBI Spiral Kawat  No. 18 Pitch 2:1 (1 1/8") Folio 1.415.000 / Box
75 Biola Amplop Coklat Quarto 31.900 / Pack
76 Neuro Kertas Koran/Buram A4 33.000 / Pack
77 Concorde 90gr A4 250 sheets 82501 White 125.500 / Box
78 Apli 00027  White Paper Labels - Continuous Form Labels 101.6 x 36 mm 2.280.000 / Box
79 Canon Kalkulator 12 Digit ( HS-20TG ) 113.500 / Pcs
80 Gunting Kuku Emas 777 Sedang ( 608 mas ) 186.000 / Lusin
81 Joyko Mechanical Pencil MP-15 (0.5) Cristal 2.600 / Pcs
82 HP CB435A Laserjet Print Cartridge, Black 790.000 / Pcs
83 kangaro Punch ONE HOLE 25.900 / Pcs
84 WaterColor Cake WCC-0712 - 12 Warna Kecil 4.100 / Set
85 Joyko Stainless Steel Ruler RL-ST30 6.700 / Pcs
86 Maxell Alkaline Ace 23A 1B (12V) 18.500 / Pcs
87 Joyko Color Pencil CP-TR-24PB (24 color) Triangle 23.600 / Set
88 Concorde 90gr A4 20 sheets 80203 Cream 10.000 / Set
89 kangaro Stapler ICON 25.100 / Pcs
90 Otani Struk Thermal 80 x 80 (17 mm) 21.000 / Roll
91 3M Scotch 110-5C Mountingtape 18mm x 5m 63.500 / Roll
92 Standard Ballpoint B'Gel 0.7 Hitam 7.600 / Pcs
93 SanDisk USB Flash Drive Cruzer Blade CZ50 08 GB 98.000 / Pcs
94 InterX Folder IDX-AZA Index Divider A4-A-Z 17.600 / Set
95 Kenko ERB-20SQ Eraser 1.800 / Pcs
96 Joyko Stamp Pad No. 0 7.300 / Pcs
97 Pronto Glue Stik 35gr PGL035 12.500 / Pcs
98 Joyko Acrylic Color ACC-12ML-18C 72.500 / Set
99 Faber-Castell Grip 2001 Eraser ( 187100 ) 4.400 / Pcs
100 Agatis Glue Stick 9 Gr 3.700 / Pcs
101 Faber-Castell Hexagonal Oil Pastell 12 Eco ( 120063OC ) 21.000 / Set
102 Zebra Kokoro Gel 0.5 Red 6.600 / Pcs
103 Copy Laser Quarto 70 gr 38.650 / Rim
104 Kenko Gel Pen Polo Gel 2.500 / Pcs
105 Joyko Calculator CC-38 33.500 / Pcs
106 Copy Laser A4 80 gr 32.400 / Rim
107 3M Scotch 700 Electrical Tape 700 19.000 / Roll
108 Joyko Pencil P-93 (2B) 10.200 / Lusin
109 Joyko Brush BR-6 No.8 51.000 / Dozen
110 Verbatim DVD+R 16X bulk pack 50 3.500 / Pcs
111 Max No. 10-1M Handy Staples 4.000 / Boxes
112 Epson T6736 Light Magenta Ink Cartridge 144.000 / Pcs
113 Joyko Color Gel Pen GPC-315 15.500 / Set
114 Pentel MWR401 Whiteboard Marking Ink Blue 11.100 / Pcs
115 Max N-1307 Numbering Machine 2.330.500 / Pcs
116 Bantex 2017-08 PP Pocket A2 0.12mm PP Landscape 43.100 / Set
117 Joyko Sharpener B-163 65.000 / Boxes
118 Joyko Sharpener B-24 (Tong 2 Lubang) 3.700 / Pcs
119 Joyko Whiteboard Set WBS-170CO (Blue,Pink) 21.500 / Set
120 Joyko Sharpener B-151 66.500 / Boxes
121 Kenko CT-634N Correction Tape 5.400 / Pcs
122 AA Buku Gambar Besar 6.400 / Pcs
123 Joyko Magnifier MFR-9 (90 mm) 18.500 / Pcs
124 Verbatim DVD-R 16x CB25 printable 8.100 / Pcs
125 Agenda (Diary) Deluxe Diary Erica 1002 5.500 / Pcs
126 Joyko Bag B-002 (29x37cm) 23.500 / Pcs
127 Joyko Document Bag DCB-43 B5 (Penguin) 9.200 / Pcs
128 Bantex 2035-08 PP Pocket A4 Antiglare 0.06mm 134.200 / Pack
129 Kenko Sharpener A-3MV 32.700 / Pcs
130 Joyko Color Pencil CP-115 (24 Color) Erasable 35.100 / Set
131 Joyko Gel Pen Refill GPR 263-3 (Black) 2.100 / Set
132 Joyko Correction Fluid CF-S203A 4.500 / Pcs
133 Faber-Castell Auto Mech Pencil 0.5 Transparant ( 133810 ) 15.300 / Pcs
134 Faber-Castell Jumbo Connector Pen 8 ( 66200008A ) 39.500 / Set
135 Concorde 90gr A4 20 sheets 80204 Sky Blue 10.000 / Set
136 Joyko Document Bag DCB-47 B5 (Army) 9.500 / Pcs
137 Kenko Trigonal Clip Jumbo No.5 5.200 / Box
138 Sinar Dunia A4 75 gr 50.500 / Rim
139 Canon Kalkulator 8 Digit ( LS-88Hi III ) 58.000 / Pcs
140 Joyko Stainless Steel Ruler RL-ST100 31.000 / Pcs
141 Joyko Brush BR-6 No.4 42.000 / Dozen
142 Joyko Calculator CC-37 39.000 / Pcs
143 Kenko Cloth Tape Black 36 mm/15 Y 12.600 / Roll
144 Glotape Lakban OPP 48mm x 55m Coklat 8.800 / Roll
145 Neuro Amplop Coklat A3 89.700 / Pack
146 Joyko Staples No.3 1.900 / Boxes
147 V-TRO Cutter CL-300 15.000 / Lusin
148 V-TRO Glossy Photo Paper 210 gr 15.200 / Pack
149 Joyko Stamp Pad Ink SPI-12 (Blue) 6.800 / Pcs
150 Kenko TD-323 Tape Dispenser 22.900 / Pcs
151 Sinar Dunia A4 70 gr Pink 71.700 / Rim
152 Joyko Key Ring KR-9 (Drum) 26.500 / Drum
153 Daiichi DOF25A5 Note Book A5 25.000 / Pcs
154 Canon Kalkulator Mouse Slim Black 10 Digit ( X Mark I ) 619.500 / Pcs
155 Pilot BL-5M Ball Liner Green 19.000 / Pcs
156 Joyko Scissor SS-6 (6,5") 7.000 / Pcs
157 Joyko Highlighter HL-69-6 21.000 / Set
158 Joyko Scissor SC-838JA 7.100 / Pcs
159 Glotape Cloth Tape  2" x 12m Hitam 17.600 / Roll
160 Snowman FT-700 0.6 Drawing Pen Red 8.900 / Pcs
161 SDI 0425 Cutter Knife (L-500) 39.500 / Pcs
162 Joyko Correction Tape CT-559 5.000 / Pcs
163 Penggaris Fancy Lipat 30 cm 2.300 / Pcs
164 Faber-Castell Connector Pen 30 Gift Pack ( 155077L ) 81.500 / Set
165 Joyko Ruler RL-301 4.900 / Pcs
166 Uticon  Stop Kontak Arde 5 Lb + Saklar + Kabel 1,5m (ST-1582) 58.500 / Pcs
167 Tom & Jerry Label Polos 105 6.300 / Set
168 Faster Ballpoint C600  Hitam 2.400 / Pcs
169 Apli 01280  White Paper Labels - A4 105 x 148 mm 265.000 / Pack 
170 Casio MX-120B Calculator (12 dgt) 108.000 / Pcs
171 Zebra Sarasa Clip 0.5 mm Gel Pen Red 17.000 / Pcs
172 Paperline Buku Ekspedisi 100 lbr 12.100 / Pcs
173 Apli RA02427  White Label - A4 70 x 37 mm 12.000 / Pack
174 Joyko Desk Set DS-33 88.000 / Pcs
175 Caravell Tinta Refill CRV-C#200ml Cyan 49.700 / Botol
176 Joyko Ball Pen BP-251 (Frodo) 9.700 / Dozen
177 Biola Amplop Coklat A3 106.000 / Pack
178 Citizen CDB-1401BK Calculator (14 Dgt) 98.000 / Pcs
179 PaperFine Color A4 80 gr 20 sheet IT 43A Chocolate 11.500 / Set
180 Joyko Highlighter HL-72PTL-6 21.500 / Set
181 Dataprint Refill Kit DP-40 Black 33.000 / Set
182 Joyko Hand Fan HFN-15A 70.500 / Pcs
183 Standard Marker CM2 Marker Biru 1.500 / Pcs
184 Pentel MWR401 Whiteboard Marking Ink Black 11.100 / Pcs
185 Neuro CF 14 7/8" x 11" NCR 4 Ply Warna / PP 305.000 / Box
186 Namas Kertas Cover Bufallo A4 47.000 / Pack
187 Zebra Sarasa Clip 0.7 mm Gel Pen Blue 17.000 / Pcs
188 InterX Folder CHX-110A Clear Holder A4 10 11.700 / Pcs
189 V-TRO Crayon OP-36 warna 41.500 / Set
190 Apli 02409  White Paper Labels - A4 64 x 33.9 mm 265.000 / Pack
191 Joyko Gel Pen GP-190 Pino 2.800 / Pcs
192 Bantex 8211-00 Glue Stick 22 Gr 12.900 / Pcs
193 Agenda (Diary) Buku Agenda Batik Erica 503 18.000 / Pcs
194 Joyko Cable Ties CBT-10 (White) 5.000 / Pack
195 Joyko Calculator CC-19 72.500 / Pcs
196 Daiichi DPO25A6 Note Book A6 18.000 / Pcs
197 Joyko Cable Ties CBT-10 (Black) 5.000 / Pack
198 Bantex 8224 Ring Binder 1322S A5 2R-25mm 22.200 / Pcs
199 Canon Kalkulator 8 Digit PGR Hijau ( LS-88Hi III ) 58.000 / Pcs
200 Artline EPP-20 Poster Marker 39.500 / Pcs
harga stationery online 2023 di toko atk jakarta
harga stationery online 2023 di toko atk jakarta

katalog online stationery sekolah dan kantor terlengkap 2023
katalog online stationery sekolah dan kantor terlengkap 2023

Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta Komplek 141
Blok A No.17 , Mangga Dua Selatan
Sawah Besar - Jakarta Pusat 10730
Telp: (021) 6252421, 6241328, 0811 9227169






postingan lama:

harga stationery terbaru 2016 Produk Kalkulator Merk Canon

No            Nama Item Harga Satuan
1 Canon AS-120 Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 67.000 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

2 Canon AS-1200 Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 109.300 / Pcs

TYPE : - Semi-desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , - Decimal (+4320F) and rounding selection , weight : 152 gr , dimension : 11.7 x 11.9 x 3.7 cm

3 Canon AS-120R Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 84.100 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - 120 Steps chwVeck and correct function , - Auto check function , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

4 Canon AS-120V-LG Hijau Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

5 Canon AS-120V-PBL Biru Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

6 Canon AS-120V-PGY Abu-Abu Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

7 Canon AS-120V-POR Orange Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

8 Canon AS-120V-PPK Pink Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

9 Canon AS-120V-PPP Purple Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 69.200 / Pcs

TYPE : - Mini desktop , FEATURES : - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 108 gr , dimension : 14.5 x 10 x 3.35 cm

10 Canon AS-2200 Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 123.000 / Pcs

TYPE : - Desktop , FEATURES : - Adjustable LCD display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 212 gr , dimension : 19.8 x 14 x 3.4 cm

11 Canon AS-220RTS Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 109.300 / Pcs

TYPE : - Desktop , FEATURES : - Extra large display , - 120 steps check and correct function , - Auto check function , - Bussiness calculation and tax function , - Dual power source , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 150 gr , dimension : 15 x 13.4 x 3.6 cm

12 Canon AS-2400 Kalkulator (14 Digit ) 134.500 / Pcs

TYPE : - Desktop , FEATURES : - Adjustable LCD display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 212 gr , dimension : 19.8 x 14 x 3.4 cm

13 Canon AS-2600 Kalkulator (16 Digit ) 149.200 / Pcs

TYPE 51.000 : - Desktop , FEATURES : - Adjustable LCD display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 212 gr , dimension : 19.8 x 14 x 3.4 cm

14 Canon CT-20 Alarm Clock 134.500 / Pcs

TYPE : - Compact size electronic alarm clock , - Backside with a magnetic clip , - count downtimer function , - Memory timer setting , weight : 45.2 , dimension : 6.8 x 5.1 x 1.2 cm.

15 Canon CT-30 Alarm Clock 167.100 / Pcs

TYPE : - Compact size electronic alarm clock , - Backside with a magnetic clip , - count down timer function , Memory timer setting , weight : 62 gr , dimension : 7.6 x 6.4 x 1.8 cm

16 Canon F715 WHB Kalkulator Scientific 139.800 / Pcs

17 Canon F715 WHM Kalkulator Scientific 139.800 / Pcs

18 Canon F715SG Hitam Kalkulator Scientific 139.800 / Pcs

19 Canon F718S Biru Kalkulator Scientific (12  Digit ) 167.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm

20 Canon F718SA Merah Kalkulator Scientific (12  Digit ) 157.600 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm

21 Canon F718SA Putih Kalkulator Scientific (12  Digit ) 167.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm.

22 Canon F718SG Abu-Abu Kalkulator Scientific (12  Digit ) 157.600 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm

23 Canon F718SGA Hitam Kalkulator Scientific (12  Digit ) 167.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm

24 Canon F718SGA Pink KalkulatorScientific (12  Digit ) 167.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : -264 Scientific and statistica function , - 17 Store and recall memories , - Least common Multiple & Greatest common divisior , - Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q . . .r) , - Dual-way display ("Maths" & "Line" ,ode input & display format) , weight : 128 gr , dimension : 16.8 x 8 x 1.45 cm

25 Canon F-788 SG Kalkulator Scientific 161.800 / Pcs

26 Canon F-788dx Abu-Abu Kalkulator Scientific 165.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : -  497 scientific and statistical function , - Double line display , - Integral differential calculation , - 20 store & recall memories , - 79 scientific constanst , - 170 metric conversions Matrix & vector calculation , weight : 100 gr , dimension : 15 x 8 x 1.45 cm

27 Canon F-788dx Hitam Kalkulator Scientific 154.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : -  497 scientific and statistical function , - Double line display , - Integral differential calculation , - 20 store & recall memories , - 79 scientific constanst , - 170 metric conversions Matrix & vector calculation , weight : 100 gr , dimension : 15.5 x 8 x 1.45 cm

28 Canon F-788dx Putih Kalkulator Scientific 165.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : -  497 scientific and statistical function , - Double line display , - Integral differential calculation , - 20 store & recall memories , - 79 scientific constanst , - 170 metric conversions Matrix & vector calculation , weight : 100 gr , dimension : 15.5 x 8 x 1.45 cm
29 Canon F-789 SGA Kalkulator Scientific 220.700 / Pcs

30 Canon HS-1200RS Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 156.600 / Pcs

FEATURES : -100 Steps check & correct calculation ,- Business calculation , weight : 170 gr , dimension : 17.4 x 12.3 x 3.8 cm

31 Canon HS-20TG Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 126.100 / Pcs

32 Canon KC-30 Kalkulator (8 Digit) 46.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Key chain calculator , - Ideal item for gift , weight : 28 gr , dimension : 7.5 x 4.2 x 1.3 cm

33 Canon LC-210Hi III Biru Handheld 30.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - 360 degree rotation upward folding hard cover , - Compact and palm fit size , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon prodict material , weight : 41 gr , dimension : 9.7 x 6 x 1.14 cm

34 Canon LC-210Hi III Orange Handheld 30.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - 360 degree rotation upward folding hard cover , - Compact and palm fit size , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon prodict material , weight : 41 gr , dimension : 9.8 x 6 x 1.14 cm

35 Canon LC-210Hi III Ungu Handheld 30.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - 360 degree rotation upward folding hard cover , - Compact and palm fit size , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon prodict material , weight : 41 gr , dimension : 9.8 x 6 x 1.14 cm

36 Canon LS-100TS Kalkulator (10 Digit ) 97.700 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Tax calculation , - Business calculation , - Professional image with silver metallic body , weight : 102 gr , dimension : 13.5 x 10.3 x 3.2 cm

37 Canon LS-101H Kalkulator (10 Digit ) 88.300 / Pcs

FEARURES ; - Large display , weight : 100 gr , dimension : 13.2 x 10.6 x 3.1 cm

38 Canon LS-102Z Kalkulator (10 Digit ) 61.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Portable compact size , - Colorful key buttons , - Sturdy rubber stands , weight : 64 gr , dimension : 11.1 x 8.8 x 3.2 cm.

39 Canon LS-120 RS Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 117.700 / Pcs

weight : 102 gr , dimension : 13.5 x 10.3 x 3.2 cm

40 Canon LS-1200T Putih Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 150.300 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large internal angel display , - Tax calculation , - Unique design with glossy surface , weight : 99.5 gr , dimension : 14.9 x 9.65 x 1.25 cm.

41 Canon LS-120Hi III Coklat Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 101.900 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Professional image with metalic silver body , weight : 122 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

42 Canon LS-120Hi III Hijau Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 101.900 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Professional image with metalic silver body , weight : 122 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

43 Canon LS-120Hi III Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 103.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Professional image with metalic silver body , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 122 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

44 Canon LS-120Hi III Merah Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 101.900 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Mark up and reverse function , - Grand total memory , - Professional image with metalic silver body , weight : 122 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm.

45 Canon LS-120V II Autumn Orange Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 84.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large upright angeled display , - Decimal and rounding selection , -Grand total function , - Wide keyboard , weight : 125 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

46 Canon LS-120V II Spring Green Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 84.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large upright angeled display , - Decimal and rounding selection , -Grand total function , - Wide keyboard , weight : 125 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

47 Canon LS-120V II Summer Red Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 84.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large upright angeled display , - Decimal and rounding selection , -Grand total function , - Wide keyboard , weight : 125 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

48 Canon LS-120V II Winter Blue Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 84.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large upright angeled display , - Decimal and rounding selection , -Grand total function , - Wide keyboard , weight : 125 gr , dimension : 14 x 10.5 x 3.2 cm

49 Canon LS-123T Bluish Green Handheld (12 Digit ) 107.200 / Pcs

50 Canon LS-123T Light Green Handheld (12 Digit ) 107.200 / Pcs

51 Canon LS-123T Magenta Handheld (12 Digit ) 107.200 / Pcs

52 Canon LS-123T Orange Handheld (12 Digit ) 107.200 / Pcs

53 Canon LS-12H Handheld 69.200 / Pcs

54 Canon LS-153TS Handheld (10 Digit ) 85.100 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Tax calculation , - Busines calculation , - Professional image with silver metallic body , weight : 69 gr , dimension : 12.2 x 7.5 x 1.2 cm

55 Canon LS-154TG Handheld 92.500 / Pcs

56 Canon LS-270H Handheld (8 Digit ) 49.400 / Pcs

FEATURES : Extra large display , - Dual power (Solar and battery) , - Mark up function , - With wallet case , - Professional image with silver metalic body , weight : 37 gr ,  dimension : 10.2 x 6.1 x 1 cm

57 Canon LS-270V II Autumn Orange Handheld (8 Digit ) 49.400 / Pcs

FEATURES : Extra large display , weight : 37 gr ,  dimension : 10.2 x 6.1 x 1 cm

58 Canon LS-270V II Spring Green Handheld (8 Digit ) 49.400 / Pcs

FEATURES : Extra large display , weight : 37 gr ,  dimension : 10.2 x 6.1 x 1 cm

59 Canon LS-270V II Summer Red Handheld (8 Digit ) 49.400 / Pcs

FEATURES : Extra large display , weight : 37 gr ,  dimension : 10.2 x 6.1 x 1 cm

60 Canon LS-270V II Winter Blue Handheld (8 Digit ) 49.400 / Pcs

FEATURES : Extra large display , weight : 37 gr ,  dimension : 10.2 x 6.1 x 1 cm

61 Canon LS-63TG Handheld (8 Digit ) 80.200 / Pcs

weight : 47 gr , dimension : 10.8 x 6.8 x 0.9 cm

62 Canon LS-717H Handheld (8 Digit ) 45.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Credit card size , - Stylish look for all occasions , - Pouch case included , weight : 22 gr , dimension : 5.45 x 8.5 x 0.41 cm

63 Canon LS-88Hi III Kalkulator (8 Digit) 61.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Extra large display , - Portable compact size , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , weight : 90 gr , dimension : 14.3 x 8.95 x 2.5 cm

64 Canon LS-88Hi III -PGR Hijau Kalkulator (8 Digit) 61.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Extra large display , - Portable compact size , weight : 90 gr , dimension : 14.3 x 8.95 x 2.5 cm

65 Canon LS-88Hi III -PPK Pink Kalkulator (8 Digit) 61.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Extra large display , - Portable compact size . Weight : 90 gr , dimension : 14.3 x 8.95 x 2.5 cm

66 Canon LS-88Hi III -PPP Ungu Kalkulator (8 Digit) 61.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Extra large display , - Portable compact size . Weight : 90 gr , dimension : 14.3 x 8.95 x 2.5 cm

67 Canon LS-88L Kalkulator (8 Digit ) 54.900 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , - Portable compact size , weight : 83 gr , dimension : 13.9 x 9 x 2.8 cm

68 Canon MP1200-FTS Kalkulator Printer (12  Digit ) 879.200 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK ribbon printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 3.7 lines/sec , PRINTING COLOUR : - 2 Colour (Black & Red) , FEATURES : - Fluorescent tube display , - Tax and bussiness calculation , weight : 1700 , dimension : 32.5 x 22.1 x 7.9 cm

69 Canon MP120-MG Kalkulator Printer (12  Digit ) 645.800 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK roller printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 2.7 (Blue & Red) ,- Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , - Silent and stable stroke keyboard for fst and steady operation , - Tax bussiness and currency conversion calculation , - Clock and calendar function , - 2 Colour back light display (green for positive / red for negative calculation) , weight : 1054 gr , dimension : 29.4 x 21 x 7.4 cm

70 Canon MP1211-LTSC Kalkulator Printer (12  Digit ) 1.063.800 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK ribbon printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 4.3 lines/sec , FEATURES : - 2 Colour backlight LCD display (green for positive/red for negative calculation) , - Silent and stable strok keyboard for fast and steady operation , - Tax business and currecy conversion calculation , - Cash change function , weight : 1600 gr , dimension : 33.4 x 21.9 x 7.45.

71 Canon MP1411-LTSC Kalkulator Printer (14  Digit ) 1.140.400 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK ribbon printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 4.3 lines/sec , FEATURES : - 2 Colour backlight LCD display (green for positive/red for negative calculation) , - Silent and stable strok keyboard for fast and steady operation , - Tax business and currecy conversion calculation , - Cash change function , weight : 1600 gr , dimension : 33.4 x 21.9 x 7.45 cm

72 Canon MP25-MG Kalkulator Printer (12  Digit ) 1.140.400 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK ribbon printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 4.3 lines/sec , PRINTING COLOUR : - 2 Colour (Black & red) , FEATURES : - Large fluorescant tube display , - energy efficient power system,main AC power OM/OFF , - Ergonomic keyboard , -  Anti bacterialkeys for hygienic office use , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , - Tax and business calculation , - Clock and calendar function , - Grand total function , - Durable double-injection keys , weight : 153 gr , dimension : 32 x 19.3 x 7.1 cm

73 Canon MP37-MG Kalkulator Printer (12  Digit ) 1.418.800 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK ribbon printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 4.3 lines/sec , PRINTING COLOUR : - 2 Colour (Black & red) , FEATURES : - Large fluorescant tube display , - energy efficient power system,main AC power OM/OFF , - Ergonomic keyboard , -  Anti bacterialkeys for hygienic office use , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled Canon product material , - Tax and business calculation , - Clock and calendar function , - Grand total function , - Durable double-injection keys , - Canola layout , - Curency conversion calculation , - with 0, 00, 000 key , weight : 159 gr , dimension : 33.2 x 20.7 x 7.35 cm.

74 Canon P1-DTSC Kalkulator Mini Printer (12  Digit ) 327.200 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK roller printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 2.0 lines/sec , PRINTING COLOUR : - Purple , FEATURES : - Large display , Tax bussiness and currency conversion calculation , Decimal and rounding selection , Low battery indicator , wight : 336 , dimension : 20.3 x 10.2 x 4.8 cm

75 Canon P23-DTSC Kalkulator Mini Printer (12  Digit ) 425.800 / Pcs

PRINTING TYPE : - INK roller printer , PRINTING SPEED : - 2.0 lines/sec , PRINTING COLOUR : - Purple , FEATURES : - Large display , Tax bussiness and currency conversion calculation , Decimal and rounding selection , Low battery indicator , Clock and calendar function , weight : 480 gr , dimension : 23.5 x 15.5 x 5.5
76 Canon TX-1210HI III Handheld 127.200 / Pcs

77 Canon TX-1210T Handheld 127.200 / Pcs

78 Canon WS-112H Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 87.200 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Large display , Wide keyboard , Mark up and grand total function , weight : 110 gr , dimension : 14.8 x 10.9 x 3.05 cm

79 Canon WS-1210Hi III Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 136.600 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Adjustable tilt display , - Tax calculation , - IT touch keyboard , - Some parts are manufactured from recycled canon product material , weight : 236 gr , dimension : 19.8 x 15 x 3.8 cm

80 Canon WS-1210T Handheld 156.600 / Pcs

81 Canon WS-1212H Kalkulator (12  Digit ) 123.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Extra large display , Rectractable stand , Wide keyboard , Mark up and grand total function , weight : 164 gr , dimension : 17.35 x 13.1 x 3.47 cm

82 Canon WS-212H Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 94.600 / Pcs

83 Canon WS-220TC Kalkulator (12 Digit ) 112.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Upright angled LCD display , Tax and currency conversion calculation , weight : 165 gr , dimension : 14.5  x 14.5 x 3.5 cm 

84 Canon WS-240TC Kalkulator (14  Digit ) 133.500 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Upright angled LCD display , Tax and currency conversion calculation , weight : 165 gr , dimension : 14.5  x 14.5 x 3.5 cm 

85 Canon WS-260TC Kalkulator (16  Digit ) 139.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Upright angled LCD display , Tax and currency conversion calculation , weight : 165 gr , dimension : 14.5  x 14.5 x 3.5 cm 

86 Canon X Mark I Black Mouse (10 Digit ) 597.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Some parts are manufactured from recycled canon product material , - Wireless PC-Link keypad for numerical data entry , - Integrated Bluetoth 2.0 connectivity , - 1200dpi , wireless 3 button laser mouse , - Lower battery indicator , - Automatic power off function , - Windows OS : XP/Windows Vista TM/Windows 7 Macintosh: X10.4-10.6 , weight : 135 gr , dimension : 12 x 6 x 3 cm

87 Canon X Mark I Black Print (12 Digit ) 490.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Some parts are manufactured from recycled canon product material , - Durable IT/PC feel keys , - AC/DC power , - 2 Colour print 2.3 lines per second , - Tax and business calculation functions , - Euro conversation function , - Backlight LCD display,low battery indicator , weight : 400 gr , dimension : 22 x 10.48 x  4.7 cm.

88 Canon X Mark I White Mouse (10 Digit ) 597.000 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Some parts are manufactured from recycled canon product material , - Wireless PC-Link keypad for numerical data entry , - Integrated Bluetoth 2.0 connectivity , - 1200dpi , wireless 3 button laser mouse , - Lower battery indicator , - Automatic power off function , - Windows OS : XP/Windows Vista TM/Windows 7 Macintosh: X10.4-10.6 , weight : 135 gr , dimension : 12 x 6 x 3 cm

89 Canon X Mark I White Print (12 Digit ) 490.800 / Pcs

FEATURES : - Some parts are manufactured from recycled canon product material , - Durable IT/PC feel keys , - AC/DC power , - 2 Colour print 2.3 lines per second , - Tax and business calculation functions , - Euro conversation function , - Backlight LCD display,low battery indicator , weight : 400 gr , dimension : 22 x 10.48 x 47 cm

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List Harga Kalkulator Canon lengkap 2016 
